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22.09.2021 eDrone dissemination in Armenia
24.02.2021 Final Consortium Meeting
27.01.2021 Online Consortium Meeting was held
17.01.2021 Annuncement new CIA course in Moldova
14.01.2021 Meeting with Armenian and Moldavian Colleagues
13.01.2021 eDrone Online Meeting with Georgian Colleagues
12.01.2021 eDrone Online Meeting with Belarusian Colleagues
08.12.2020 ACAPOL P8 team visiting the company Autonomous Flight Technologies from Romania
2.12.2020 Another Success for eDrone: Feedback on CBHE 574090 impact monitoring visit in Moldova
24.11.2020 Online Meeting with Belorussian Colleagues
20.11.2020 Impact monitoring online meeting in Moldova
13.11.2020 Online Meeting with Moldavian Colleagues
03.11.2020 Online Meeting with Georgian Colleagues
27.10.2020 Online Meeting with Belarussian Colleagues
20.10.2020 Online Meeting with Armenian Colleagues
20.10.2020 - New CIA course announced in Moldova at MSU
08-09.10.2020 Dissemination Workshop and Consortium Meeting
25.09.2020 - Online Meeting was held
25.09.2020 - Online Meeting
07.08.2020 - Online Meeting UNISAN - BTSU - BSU
07.08.2020 - The State University of Moldova introduced a two-month course on drone control
06.08.2020 National Moldovan TV report about the success of eDrone Project in Moldova
29.07.2020_eDrone online Conference was held
20.07.2020 EASA publishes proposed standards for certification of light drones
01.07.2020_eDrone online Conference was held
2020.06.27 Announcement eDrone WP8 - Virtual Conference to be held Wednesday, July 1st 2020 at 10.30 Italian time
28.06.2020 Moldova State University has received the final score for the evaluation process of the Erasmus+ eDrone CIA courses
04.06.2020 The success of CIA courses in Moldova
27-29.05.2020 Evaluation process of the Erasmus+ eDrone CIA courses in Moldova
06.04.2020 Countries across the globe are using drones to disinfect public places
10.03.2020 Second group of CIA courses are successfully started in Armenia
02.03.2020 The 4th CIA course was successfully accomplished at the OED at Moldova State University
26.02.2020 Dissemination Meeting in Armenia
21.02.2020 Discussions within the public lesson dedicated Educational for eDrone
17.02.2020 Start of Armenian CIA Courses
Talk about eDrone (Moldova)
29.11.2019 The scientific-practical student conference organized by ACAPOL (Moldova)
03.07.2019 the Moldovan Partners of eDrone project had a meeting on management issues
28.06.2019: The Tiraspol State University has attended an introductory training course for drone in the framework of eDrone activities
03.06.2019: 2nd edition of the eDrone CIA courses at the Moldova State University congratulates the graduates!
12-15.06.2019 Chisinau, Moldova, Are you ready for our next Workshop?
16-18.05.2019 The eDrone project OED, CTT & CIA courses were awarded Silver Medal and Diploma of Excellence at EUROINVENT-2019 and Book Salon
14.03.2019 eDrone Project on the National Bielorussian Tv
04.03.2019: Start of the 2nd edition of the eDrone CIA courses at the Moldova State University
11.02.2019 final exam of the first edition of CIA course and annuncement of the start of the second edition of CIA course
15.02.2019 Belarussian TV and News Papers talk about eDrone, OED, CTT and CIA courses
07.01.2019: Madame Yasmina Bestaoui-Sebbane passed away
12.12.2018: CTC-Moldova TV channel about the eDrone CIA courses at the Moldova State University
26.11.2018 - CIA courses started at Moldova State University
10.11.2018 Chisinau, Ziua Stiintei- Science Day,
Russian consulting website reports about eDrone project
10-12.10.2018: eDrone project was presented at the Conference "Erasmus + in Higher Education: A Step beyond Mobility".
12.10.2018: Relation of Alberto Mennella, TOP-VIEW
04.10.2018: Visit to Cusano Mutri
04.10.2018: Visit to the farmhouse Masiello in Benevento
30.09.2018: Start of the Internship Activities at UNISANNIO in Benevento
12-15.07.2018 Saharna Summer Colloquium, VIIIth edition
13.07.2018 Saharna Summer Colloquium "Archaeological complexes of the Iron Age in the Tisa-Dniester space",
10.07.2018: RTR-Moldova TV channel about the eDrone project activities
Civil Aviation Authority of the Republic of Moldova about eDrone project CTT course
03.07.2018_Visit of Prof. Pasuale Daponte to CTT Course
A new website talk about edrone: Laboratorul de Pilotare a Dronelor
Another Moldovan National TV channal - Jurnal TV about the eDrone project current activities
27-29.06.2018 The eDrone project OED & CTT courses were awarded Gold Medal and Diploma of Excellence at INVENTICA-2018 and XXII International Conference of Inventions
eDrone on the Moldovian TV channel - TVR Moldova
14.06.2018: His Excellency Bartłomiej Zdaniuk, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Poland to the Republic of Moldova has visited the Office for Education for Drones (OED) at the Moldova State University
28.02.2018 In-House Dissemination Event: News on NPUA web-site
News from CTT course
04.06.2018: Start of the CTT course at Moldova State University (3)
Two New Associated Partners
22.02.2018 NPUA Airborne Robotics Research Center
Tutorial: Design and Characterization of Measurement Systems Based on Drones
28.02.2017 In-House Dissemination Event: News on ASUE web-site
06-08.12.2017 First Consortium Meeting at Chisinau: news
New Evaluation Kit Facilitates Drone Flight Control Designs
29.11.2017 - ASUE Hosted In-House Dissemination Event
29.11.2017 Dissemination Event at ASUE
The book of drone laws is published
eDrone Project presented to Armenian news website http://haydzayn.am/
ICT didactical framework is available
The drone as a flexible mobile measurement platform - IEEE I&M Society Tutorial
11-13.07.2017News about the eDrone meeting at Universitatea de Stat din Moldova
13.07.2017 News from ASUE about Workshop of eDrone Project
13.07.2017 eDrone Workshop Program
Erasmus+ a story of 30 years
Italy: EASA raises the threshold to 900 grams for intrinsically harmless drones that can overtake people
eDrone Project at Ilia State University Website
eDrone Project on Caucasian Internet Newspaper
eDrone Project at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Website
Info about eDrone project on Military University of Technology Web site
Kickoff meeting: info on the Moldova State University website
News about Kick-off meeting at WAT
14-15.02.2017 Kick off meeting Yerevan: link to the FB page of the Italian Ambassy in Armenia
14-15.02.2017 Kick off meeting Yerevan: Air Worker is associated partner of eDrone
14-15.02.2017 Kick off meeting Yerevan: participation of the Italian Ambassador in Yerevan to the kickoff meeting